Seasonal greetings 2018
Dear Kinderhaus ADDIS-team and Sponsors,
first of all, we would like to say thank you all Kinderhaus Addis- as well as all the sponsors on behalf of the sponsored children, their parents/guardians and AHISDO staffs.
We are very happy for all your best and highly successful works done for the past 17 years for our sponsorship program. During these long periods (years) hope all your plans were given wholehearted support for the poorest of the poor children. As a result of your generous and heartfelt support the lives of many Kinderhaus sponsored children have significantly changed their lives. The majority of them today they could become self a supporting citizens. If this were not kindheartedly done by each of you these children would had met a chance of leading their lives on the street.
Finally, we all send our best wishes for the future to continue your usual efforts to support more the poorest of the poor children to get them free from poverty
With best Christian regards
Ayele Teketel Tsemma
AHISDO Manager